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Group Leader or Senior Group Leader of PK

工作地点:上海浦东         所属类型:DMPK         发布时间:2021-06-10



• Lead to design, conduct and report pharmacokinetics (PK), toxicokinetics (TK), tissue distribution and excretion studies including study designs in small and large animals, LC-MS/MS bioanalytical method development, sample analysis, data modeling and analysis, reporting and interpretation.

• Act as a LC-MS/MS expert for bioanalytical method trouble-shouting, issue-resolving and quality control for small molecule drug discovery.

• Lead and supervise a group of lab scientists.

• Communicate effectively with clients for study update, project management and technical support.

• Communicate effectively with functional groups or departments. Set priority for the lab and allocate appropriate human resources/work schedule to ensure timely report delivery.



• A M.S., or Ph.D. degree in drug metabolism, pharmaceutical science, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, or related discipline with 5 - 10 years’ experience in pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies, or contract research organizations.

• Hands-on experience in designing, conducting, analyzing and reporting PK, TK, tissue distribution and excretion studies to support preclinical projects in a discovery setting.

• A thorough understanding in formulations, cassette-dosing, dose administration routes and special delivery of test compounds in various small and large animal species and various surgery technologies in PK/TK studies.

• Expertise in LC-MS/MS quantitation techniques including various MS/MS and LC platforms especially AB Sciex MS/MS, Shimazu and Waters HPLC/UPLC, bioanalytical method troubleshooting.

• Experience in leading and supervising a group of lab scientists.

• Excellent oral and written communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills is required, along with demonstrated ability to interface effectively with clients and project team members.