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  • 简历投递
  • 申请成功


工作地点:无锡         所属类型:DMPK         发布时间:2023-11-29


1. 管理动物设施内涉及动物使用的所有工作,包括培训和监督员工合理照料、饲养、处理、抓取以及使用动物,维持与各部门、各相关员工的有效沟通,亲身参与动物日常饲养活动、并保证动物健康记录、使用记录的准确。

Manages the operational activities of animal facilities by training and monitoring staff in the appropriate care, handling, and use of animals, maintaining efficiency communication with all departments and faculty engaged in animal research, engaging in hands-on involvement in procedures and in routine animal husbandry activities, and maintaining accurate records on animal health and animal usage.

2. 及时了解最新实验动物科学相关知识,了解动物实验最新法律法规以及管理标准,以确保在Bioduro以人道、负责、科学的方式使用动物,同时确保动物护理项目和设施环境符合国家标准法规,定期检查动物护理和使用项目及设施环境。

Ensures the humane, responsible, and scientifically or instructionally sound use of animals at Bioduro by maintaining current knowledge of laboratory animal science as well as regulations and standards affecting the use of animals in research, ensuring that the care of animals and condition of facility environment are in compliance with national regulations, and conducting regular inspections of animal care and use facilities.

3. 协调IACUC相关工作并出任IACUC主治兽医及秘书,制定并执行本机构内的动物护理与使用政策、项目、以及标准操作流程,以符合相关管理法规和国家标准(实验动物护理和使用指南)。

In coordination with the IACUC and participating as AV and secretary, develops and implements institutional animal care and use policies, programs, and standard operating procedures to comply with regulations and nationally accepted standards such as the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

4. 负责向公司提出与动物设施相关的预算建议并计算相关成本。

Advises the company on budgetary matters affecting the animal research facilities and calculate the cost.

5. 与科学技术厅保持沟通,按照规章制度、政策向政府机构提交相关报告。

Prepares reports to governmental agencies in compliance with regulations and policies, in collaboration with the Office of Science and Technology.

6. 预先审查提交至IACUC的文件,并对批准后的动物试验方案进行监督检查。

Pre-reviews submissions to the IACUC and conducts post-approved monitoring of research protocols.

7. 针对科研工作中动物使用时存在的潜在的问题向IACUC提出建议。

Advises the IACUC regarding potential issues affecting the use of animals in research.

8. 不断加强自我学习、及与同事间进行专业沟通、互相学习,参加专业课程和相关专业培训,保证自我专业能力和知识的与时俱进。

Remains competent and current through self-directed professional reading, developing professional contacts with colleagues, attending professional development courses, and attending training and/or courses as required by the supervisor.

9. 参与兽医支持,协助研究人员制定方案和设计动物模型,就实验设计中给予动物充分的福利和兽医护理考虑提供建议。

Participates in veterinary support and assistance to investigators in protocol and animal model development, advising them in experimental design regarding animal welfare and adequate veterinary care issues.

10. 该工作包括为多种动物物种,包括大小鼠、豚鼠有、兔子、猪、犬、猴子,提供最佳的动物照料及科研支持。

The job tasked with the care of a wide variety of species, including mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, swine, dog and monkey providing the very best in animal care and collaborative research support.

11. 确保适当的动物护理标准符合指南、AAALAC的要求。

Ensures appropriate animal care standards in accordance with guidelines, requirements of AAALAC International.


1. 要求动物医学、动物科或学生物学相关专业硕士学历

A Master’s degree in a biological or animal science or a related field is required.

2. 至少五年从事实验动物设施相关工作的经验。要求具备啮齿类及大动物相关工作的经验。要求具备实验动物设施管理经验。要求至少一年的实验动物科研经验。

At least 5 years of experience in animal care and facilities. Experience with the care of rodents, large animals is required. Experience in laboratory animal facilities management is required. At least one year of conducting scientific research is required.

3. 必须熟知实验动物护理与使用相关标准,实验动物的护理与使用相关问题,机构内动物护理与使用委员会(IACUC)职责和流程,以及动物在生物研究中的作用及价值。要求具有较强的组织、沟通、协调能力。

Must have knowledge of regulations and national standards relating to the care and use of animals in research, issues pertaining to the care and use of animals in research, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) responsibilities and procedures, and the role and value of animal use in biological research. Strong organizational, communication, interpersonal skills are required.

4. 工作时间可能会包括周末和节假日。要求必要时有能力响应下班后的紧急呼叫。

Work hours may include weekends and holidays. Must respond to after-hour emergency calls when necessary.